We Need Church Partners!

Urban Hope Indy needs church partners.

What is a UHI church partner? It’s simple! Our Church Partners allow us to visit them two Sundays per year. They allow a UHI representative to briefly share who we are and why we’re there, and they provide a place in their lobby or foyer for us to answer any questions that your members may have after the service ends.

Since UHI wants to attract Christian mentors, it’s essential that we have church partners across the city. We call it “faith-based youth mentoring” because how could we leave God out? What the world calls mentorship, we call discipleship. We want to share His promises with every child we serve. At-risk children need mentors. We’re not looking for Bible scholars, just people who are in love with Jesus. The best way to connect our children to people like that is to connect with caring, local churches like yours.

Would your church consider partnering with us? We would be honored to talk to you. Please contact us at info@urbanhopeindy.org.

More ways to Get Involved


Encourage your own life through serving others!


Do some of the fancy work behind the scenes!


Let's work together to give these kids hope!


Be a part of transforming youth through giving!